Prof. Dr. Neelakshi Premawardhena | 1998

When I reflect upon my time at the University of Siegen firstly as a doctoral student from 1997 to 2001 and thereafter as a research fellow many times, I can certainly say that this is my second home.
The memories are vivid and unforgettable. Having the most wonderful supervisor (Doktorvater) ever in the late Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schaeder and my second supervisor Prof. Dr. Clemens Knobloch deeply enriched not only my scholarly engagement, but also my dual career as an academic and an administrator at the University of Kelaniya.
The major reforms in writing (Rechtschreibreform) where Prof. Dr. Gerhard Augst from the Faculty of Languages and Literature played a pioneering role with Prof. Schaeder amply supporting the reforms and making us aware of the significance, the approach of the Euro 6 months after I left Siegen were some unforgettable circumstances.
Above all, the warmth and friendliness of the staff of the International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) situated those days in Geisweid, the entire staff of Faculty of Languages and Literature made us all feel most welcome and looked after. It is with a deep sense of gratitude I look back upon my time at the University of Siegen for giving me so much in life and also my second home.
Prof. Dr. Neelakshi C. Premawardhena promovierte im Fach Germanistik/Sprachwissenschaft von 1997 bis 2001 an der Universität-GH Siegen. An der University of Kelaniy, Sri Lanka ist sie als Dozentin am Lehrstuhl für Modern Languages tätig und leitet zudem das Centre for International Affairs.