Francis Mwangi Mugo | 1995

Francis Mwangi Mugo | 2021

During my time at the University of Siegen, I always remember the support I got from the ladies who used to run the job office at the university. Since I was not on scholarship, financing my studies as well as my living in Siegen was dependent on students‘ jobs which we would be doing during the holidays. The ladies were very supportive every time during the holidays.

My professors at the University including Prof Dr Wiedemann, Prof Dr Bergmann, Prof Dr Koch and Ms Renate Helm from the Evagelical Students‘ Community made a particular impression on me. Their support and guidance played a key role during my studies.

At the very beginning, I was an accountant of the African Students Union. One day, we had to do an application for some crucial support we needed. With other officials, we went to ASTA Office and were given a computer to use in drafting our application. None of us had ever used a computer before. It took us almost a full day to finish the poorly formatted one-page application form and we all got very tired by the end of it.

I did not know then that this would be the beginning of my journey in the world of computing; I still remember the day very vividly.  

Francis Mwangi Mugo studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Economics in den Jahren von 1992 bis 2005. In Nairobi, Kenia, arbeitet er als Consultant bei der Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), einer regionalen Truppe für Friedensoperationen.